Friday, November 4, 2011

Star Lab: Space Science on the Wings of Starfighters

Star Lab: Space Science on the Wings of Starfighters:

4Frontiers Corporation is testing an experimental launcher that will be launched into space via the F-104 Starfighter jet aircraft. Photo Credit: Alan Walters/

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla – A NewSpace company based out of New Port Richey in Florida is working to provide suborbital access to space for firms with scientific payloads. The Star Lab project is an experimental suborbital launcher, designed to provide frequent, less expensive access to sub-orbit. This could allow educational and scientific institutions across the nation to conduct experiments that would normally be impractical.

“If Star Lab proves itself viable, as we feel it will, this could open the door to a great many scientific institutions conducting their research by using the Star Lab vehicle,” said Mark Homnick the CEO of 4Frontiers Corporation.

Read the rest of Star Lab: Space Science on the Wings of Starfighters (558 words)

© Jason Rhian for Universe Today, 2011. |
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