Friday, August 24, 2012

flying machines (#368)

flying machines (#368):
flying machines © Verena Fischer
flying machines © Verena Fischer
Camera: Canon EOS 450D | ISO : 100 | Focal Length: 18.0 mm | Aperture: 8.0 | Shutter Speed : 1/500

Since I have finished my 365 project I thought that it was time to change a few things around here. I have chosen a different theme for my blog to reflect my move towards the black and white side of things and I have also updated the information on my About page. For the second year of my journey into photography I also have new shiny goals, like really getting into analog photography and learning to develop my own film. One thing that I have been especially eager to change though was something very simple that has frustrated me to no end over the course of the last year. It was the problem that my previous theme limited me to showing only one picture per post. I agree with the notion that editing helps to learn why specific pictures are better than others, but being too restrictive means that sometimes you miss out, because you might not realise the potential of a picture. Don’t worry, obviously I have no intention of bombarding you with tons of pictures, but it is much easier to pick the best 3 pictures than to pick “the best”.
A few days back we visited the technology museum here in Berlin. As I have already mentioned in a previous post, I was deeply impressed by all the technology exhibited in the museum. They show old trains and planes, old photographic equipment, historical computers and many other technology related curiosities and all in very atmospheric surroundings. Since I didn’t want to post more than 3 pictures I have decided to only show you aircraft related pictures in this post. I am sure I will get the opportunity to show you some more pictures from the visit soon.
The picture above shows a plane that sits on top of the museum. I saw it also from the viewing platform at Potsdamer Platz, which is how I found out that this museum existed.
I’m not sure whether the picture below shows a rotary engine or just the rotor, since I was too fascinated by the actual object to bother with read the inscriptions. Yeah, I’m totally in it for the looks, since I don’t know anything about aircraft technology.

Camera: Canon EOS 450D | ISO : 1600 | Focal Length: 33.0 mm | Aperture: 4.5 | Shutter Speed : 1/30

Google told me that this is a Focke-Wulf A 16 passenger aircraft for a maximum of 3 passengers.
© Verena Fischer 2012
Camera: Canon EOS 450D | ISO : 1600 | Focal Length: 21.0 mm | Aperture: 4.0 | Shutter Speed : 1/60

(Yes, I took pictures of airplanes with swastikas on them, since it’s a German museum after all, but none of those pictures will appear on this blog. I don’t feel like attracting that kind of audience.)

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